Watanabe, Y., Otsuka, Y., Hinata, K., Kitaoka, S., Masui, N., Qu, L., & Koike, T. (2022). Distribution of tannins in the leaves of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata) grown under different light regimes. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 44(10), 1-13.
Watanabe, Y., Hinata, K., Qu, L., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M., Kitao, M., & Koike, T. (2021). Effects of Elevated CO2 and Nitrogen Loading on the Defensive Traits of Three Successional Deciduous Broad-Leaved Tree Seedlings. Forests, 12(7), 939
Matsuki, S., Toki, R., Watanabe, Y., and Masaka, K. (2021). Defoliation by Gypsy Moth (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) Induces Differential Delayed Induction of Trichomes in Two Birch Species. Environmental Entomology, 50(2), 427-432.
Watanabe, Y., and Ohno, Y. (2020) Severe insect defoliation at different timing affects cell wall formation of tracheids in secondary xylem of Larix kaempferi. Trees 34:931–941.
花里貴志・守屋豊人・渋井宏美・渡邊陽子・武田修・佐野雄三. (2019) 北見市常呂川河口遺跡から出土したアイヌ文化期の木質遺物の樹種同定. 北海道大学演習林研究報告, 71(1), p. 11-37.
守屋豊人・花里貴志・渡邊陽子・佐野雄三・石川 朗. (2017) 釧路市幣舞2遺跡、材木町5遺跡の焼失住居址から発見された木質試料の樹種識別. 釧路市立博物館紀要第37輯、釧路市博物館、p.29-40.
Choi, D.S., Watanabe, Y., Guy, R.D., Sugai, T., Toda, H. and Koike, T. (2017) Photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen allocation in the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) grown in a FACE system. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 39: 71
Watanabe, Y., Wakabayashi, K., Kitaoka, S., Satomura, T., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, M., Nakaba, S., Takagi, K., Sano, Y., Funada, R., and Koike, T. (2016) Response of tree growth and wood structure of Larix kaempferi, Kalopanax septemlobus and Betula platyphylla saplings to elevated CO2 concentration for 5 years exposure in a FACE system. Trees 30: 1569-1579.
Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Takagi, K., Satoh, F., and Koike, T. (2016) Photosynthetic traits of Siebold's beech seedlings in changing light conditions by removal of shading trees under elevated CO2. Plant Biology, 18(S1): 56-62.
Ji, D. H., Mao, Q., Watanabe, Y., Kitao, M., and Kitaoka, S. (2015) Effect of nitrogen loading on the growth and photosynthetic responses of Japanese larch seedlings grown under different light regimes. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 71: 232-238.
Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Agathokleous, E., Eguchi, N., Takagi, K., Satoh, F., Kitaoka, S. and Funada, R. (2015) Ecophysiology of deciduous trees native to Northeast Asia grown under FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment). Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 71: 174-184.
Watanabe, Y. (2015) Canopy, leaf surface and tree phenology: Arboreal factors influencing aerosol deposition in forests. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 71: 167-173.
Yamaguchi, T., Katata, G., Noguchi, I., Sakai, S., Watanabe, Y., Uematsu, M., and Furutani, H. (2015) Long-term observation of fog chemistry and estimation of fog water and nitrogen input via fog water deposition at a mountainous site in Hokkaido, Japan. Atmospheric Research 151: 82-92.
Watanabe, Y., Karaki, T., Kondo, T. and Koike, T. (2014) Seed development of the black locust and physical dormancy in northern Japan. Phyton 54: 305-320.
Aguilos, M., Takagi, K., Liang, N., Ueyama, M., Fukuzawa, K., Nomura, M., Kishida, O., Fukazawa, T., Takahashi, H., Kotsuka, C., Sakai, R., Ito, K., Watanabe, Y., Fujinuma, Y., Takahashi, Y., Murayama, T., Saigusa, N. and Sasa, K. (2014) Dynamics of ecosystem carbon balance recovering from a clear-cutting in a cool-temperate forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 197: 26-39.
Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Takagi, K., Satoh, F. and Koike. T. (2014) Photosynthetic traits and growth of Quercus mongolica var. crispula sprouts attacked by powdery mildew under free air CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Forest Research 133:725-733.
Saito, K., Watanabe, Y., Matsushita, Y., Imai, T., Koike, T., Sano, Y., Funada, R., Fukazawa, K. and Fukushima, K. (2014) Aluminum localization in the cell walls of the mature xylem of maple tree detected by elemental imaging using time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Holzforschung 68: 85-92.
Aguilos, M., Takagi, T., Liang, N., Watanabe, Y., Teramoto, M., Goto, S., Takahashi, Y., Mukai, H. and Sasa, K. (2013) Sustained large stimulation of soil heterotrophic respiration rate and its temperature sensitivity by soil warming experiment in a cool-temperate forested peatland. Tellus series B chemical and physical meteorology 65: 20792.
Katata, G., Yamaguchi, T., Sato, H., Watanabe, Y., Noguchi, I., Hara, H. and Nagai H. (2013) Aerosol deeposition and behavior on leaves in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Part 3: Estimation of fog deposition onto cool-temperate deciduous forest by the inferential method. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 7: 17-24.
Yamaguchi, T., Noguchi, I., Watanabe, Y., Katata, G., Sato, H. and Hara, H. (2013) Aerosol deeposition and behavior on leaves in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Part 2: Characteristics of fog water chemistry and fog deposition in northern Japan. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 7: 8-16.
Watanabe, Y., Yamaguchi, T., Katata, G. and Noguchi, I. (2013) Aerosol deeposition and behavior on leaves in cool-temperate deciduous forests. Part 1: A preliminary study of the effect of fog deposition on behavior of particles deposited on the leaf surfaces by microscopic observation and leaf-washing technique. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 7: 1-7.
Hoshika, Y., Tatsuda, S., Watanabe, M., Wang, X.N., Watanabe, Y., Saito, H. and Koike, T. (2013) Effect of ambient ozone at the somma of Lake Mashu on growth and leaf gas exchange in Betula ermanii and Betula platyphylla var. japonica. Environmental and Experimental Botany 90: 12-16.
Karaki, T., Watanabe, Y*., Kondo, T. and Koike, T. (2012) Strophiole of seeds of the black locust acts as a water gap. Plant Species Biology 27: 226-232. (*corresponding author)
Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Kim, Y.S., and Koike, T. (2012) Dark aerobic methane emission associated to leaf factors of two Acacia and five Eucalyptus species. Atmospheric Environment 54: 277-281.
Saito, K., Watanabe, Y., Shirakawa, M., Matsushita, Y., Imai, T., Koike, T., Sano, Y., Funada, R., Fukazawa, K., and Fukushima, K. (2012) Direct mapping of morphological distribution of syringyl and guaiacyl lignin in the xylem of maple by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The Plant Journal 69: 542–552.
Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Kitaoka, S., Utsugi, H., Kita, K., Koike, T. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica X L. kaempferi) under elevated CO2 concentration with low nutrient availability. Tree Physiology 31: 965-975.
Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Sasa, K., Funada, R. and Koike, T. (2010) Differential anatomical responses to elevated CO2 in saplings of four hardwood species. Plant, Cell and Environment 33: 1101-1111.
Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, Y. and Koike, T. (2009) The effects of cleared larch canopy and nitrogen supply on gas exchange and leaf traits in deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings. Tree Physiology 29: 1503-1511.
Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Kayama, M., Nomura, M. and Sasa, K. (2009) Growth of regenerated tree seedlings associated with microclimatic change in a mature larch plantation after harvesting. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5: 137-145.
渡邊陽子・北岡 哲・大塚優佳・日向潔美・笹 賀一郎・小池孝良 (2008) 落葉広葉樹個葉における被食防衛物質の局在と変動環境に対する応答(速報). 樹木医学研究12:137-138.
Watanabe, Y., Tobita, H., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Choi, D.S., Sasa, K. Funada, R. and Koike, T. (2008) Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen on wood structure related to water transport in seedlings of two deciduous broad-leaved tree species. Trees 22: 403-411.
Koike, T., Kitaoka, S., Masyagina, O.V., Watanabe, Y., Ji, D., Maruyama, Y. and Sasa, K. (2007) Nitrogen dynamics in leaves of deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings grown in summer green forests in northern Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 10-1: 115-119.
Kenzo, T., Ichie, T., Watanabe, Y. and Hiromi, T. (2007) Ecological distribution of homobaric and heterobaric leaves in tree species of Malaysian lowland tropical rainforest. American Journal of Botany 94: 764-775.
守屋豊人・渡邊陽子・佐野雄三 (2007) 石狩低地帯における続縄文時代前半竪穴住居での木材利用 -札幌市H37遺跡丘珠空港内第1号竪穴住居跡出土炭化材分析を中心として-. 考古学と自然科学 55: 61-75. (2009年7月;第2回日本文化財科学会奨励論文賞受賞)
Koike, T., Matsuki, S., Choi, D.S., Matsumoto, T., Watanabe, Y. and Maruyama, Y. (2006) Photosynthesis, leaf longevity and defense characteristics in trees of Betulaceae planted in northern Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 9: 69-78.
Dünisch, O., Fladung, M., Nakaba, S., Watanabe, Y. and Funada, R. (2006) Influence of overexpression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene on the kinetics of xylem cell development in hybrid poplar (Populus tremula L. x P. tremuloides Michx.). Holzforschung 60: 608-617.
Wang, W., Zu, Y., Cui, S., Hirano, T., Watanabe, Y. and Koike, T. (2006) Changes in CO2 exchanges during the development of larch (Larix gmelinii) cones. Tree Physiology 26: 1363-1368.
Kenzo, T., Ichie, T., Watanabe, Y., Yoneda, R., Ninomiya, I. and Koike, T. (2006) Changes in photosynthesis and leaf characteristics with tree height in five dipterocarp species in a tropical rain forest. Tree physiology 26: 865-873.
Wang, W., Watanabe, Y., Endo, I., Kitaoka, S. and Koike, T. (2006) Seasonal changes in the photosynthetic capacity of cones on a larch (Larix kaempferi) canopy. Photosynthetica 44: 345-348.
Watanabe, Y., Sano, Y., Asada, T. and Funada, R. (2006) Histochemical study of the chemical composition of vestured pits in two species of Eucalyptus. IAWA Journal 27:33-43.
守屋豊人・佐野雄三・渡邊陽子 (2005) 続縄文時代前半の竪穴住居址における木材選択利用 -札幌市K39遺跡人文・社会科学教育研究棟地点竪穴住居址出土炭化材分析を中心として-. 北海道考古学会41: 39-54.
Kenzo, T., Ichie, T., Yoneda, R., Kitahashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., Ninomiya, I. and Koike, T. (2004) Interspecific variation of photosynthesis and leaf characteristics in canopy trees of five species of Dipterocarpaceae in a tropical rain forest. Tree physiology 24: 1187-1192.
Watanabe,Y., Kojima, Y., Ona, T., Asada, T., Sano, Y., Fukazawa, K. and Funada, R. (2004) Histochemical study on heterogeneity of lignin in Eucalyptus species II. The distribution of lignins and polyphenols in the walls of various cell types. IAWA Journal 25: 283-295.
渡邊陽子・深澤和三・小島康夫・船田 良・小名俊博・浅田隆之 (1997) ユーカリ材リグニンの不均一性に関する組織化学的研究(第1報)ポリフェノール類の影響. 木材学会誌43: 102-107.
渡邊陽子・深澤和三 (1993) カエデ属における細胞壁リグニンの多様性. 北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告50: 349-389.
渡邊陽子 (2020) 葉内の被食防衛物質の局在.木本植物の生理生態.小池孝良・北尾光俊・市栄智明・渡辺 誠編.p.68-69.共立出版
Koike, T., Kitao, M., Hikosaka, K., Agathokleous, E., Watanabe, Y., Watanabe, M., Funada, R. and Eguchi, N. (2018) Photosynthetic and Photosynthesis-Related Responses of Japanese Native Trees to CO2: Results from Phytotrons, Open-Top Chambers, Natural CO2 Springs and Free-Air CO2 Enrichment. The Leaf: A Platform for Performing Photosynthesis. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration 44 (Adams III, W.W. & Terashima, I. eds.), Springer, p. 425-449.
渡邊陽子・山口高志・堅田元喜 (2014) 冷温帯林におけるエアロゾル動態および樹木への沈着・洗浄除去状態の把握. エアロゾル研究 29 (S1): 176-182.
渡辺 誠・来田和人・渡邊陽子・北岡 哲・宇都木 玄・小池孝良 (2013) 貧栄養条件で栽培したグイマツ雑種F1の高CO2に対する応答. 森林遺伝育種 2: 13-17.
小池孝良・渡辺 誠・渡邊陽子・江口則和・高木健太郎・佐藤冬樹・船田 良 (2013) 高CO2環境に対する落葉樹の応答. 化学と生物 51: 559-565.
渡邊陽子 (2011) 大気中CO2濃度の増加が樹木を変える?光合成作用や樹木の成長・材質などに及ぼす影響を探る. 化学と生物 49: 817-818.
渡邊陽子 (2009) 樹木の幹は炭素の貯留場所? 北方林業創立60周年誌 北の森づくりQ&A. 社団法人北方林業会編. pp. 28-29. (分担執筆)
小池孝良・渡邊陽子 (2009) ウダイカンバの将来の「立て木」の見分け方. 北方林業創立60周年誌 北の森づくりQ&A. 社団法人北方林業会編. pp. 156-157. (分担執筆)
小池孝良・渡邊陽子・佐野雄三 (2009) 針葉樹林に侵入したハリギリの育成法は? 北方林業創立60周年誌 北の森づくりQ&A. 社団法人北方林業会編. pp. 160-161. (分担執筆)
Sano, Y., Watanabe, Y. and Moriya, T. (2005) Utilization of birch in the Epi-Jomon period of Hokkaido. In Tree sap III (Terazawa, M. ed.), Hokkaido University Press, pp. 167-170.
渡邊陽子 (2005) 細胞壁の構造と成分. 森林の科学-森林生態系科学入門-. 中村太士・小池孝良編. p.26.(分担執筆)
渡邊陽子・大野泰之(2021)食葉性昆虫の大規模食害による失葉下での樹木の木質形成. 昆虫と自然 56: 27-29.
渡邊陽子・大野泰之(2021)食葉性昆虫の大規模食害により失葉したカラマツは異常な細胞壁を形成する. 北方林業 72: 30-33.
小池孝良,江口則和,渡部敏裕,市川 一,藤戸永志,曲 来葉,渡辺 誠,渡邊陽子,アガトクレオス・エフゲニオス,石 聡,北尾光俊,高木健太郎,日浦 勉,里村多賀美,半 智史,船田 良,山﨑友紀,佐藤冬樹 (2019) 生産環境変化が樹林地の動態に与える広域影響評価 : 開放系CO2とO3の付加実験施設での成果から. 北方森林保全技術7:18-26.
Watanabe Y. (2019) The Experimental nursery of Sapporo experimental forests in Hokkaido University. DIWPA News Letter 40: 6-8.
Watanabe, Y., Moriya, T., Takakura, J., Satoh, F. and Koike, T. (2017) Development of teaching materials for international course students on the ancient forest culture of the Hokkaido University Campus. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 20: 27-38.
小池孝良, 渡辺 誠, 生方 信, 佐野雄三, 市川 一, 藤戸永志, 上浦達哉, 門松昌彦, 渡邊陽子, 佐藤冬樹 (2015) 文科省SSHプロジェクトへの貢献―札幌実験苗畑の事例―. 北方森林保全技術 32: 35-38.
小池孝良, 渡辺 誠, 渡邊陽子, 船田 良, 佐野雄三, 高木健太郎, 日浦 勉, 笹 賀一郎, 佐藤冬樹 (2015) 開放系CO2増加実験 (FACE: Free Air CO2 Enrichment)による森林樹木への高濃度CO2の影響評価:札幌実験苗畑の例 (2002-2013). 北方森林保全技術 32: 28-31.
渡辺 誠・来田和人・渡邊陽子・北岡 哲・宇都木 玄・小池孝良. 2013. 貧栄養条件で栽培したグイマツ雑種F1の高CO2に対する応答. 森林遺伝育種 2: 13-17.
小池孝良・渡辺 誠・渡邊陽子・江口則和・高木健太郎・佐藤冬樹・船田 良 (2013) 高CO2環境に対する落葉樹の応答. 化学と生物 51: 559-565.
渡邊陽子(2011)大気中CO2濃度の増加が樹木を変える?光合成作用や樹木の成長・材質などに及ぼす影響を探る. 化学と生物 49: 817-818.
渡辺 誠・龍田慎平・渡邊陽子・斉藤秀之・小池孝良 (2011) 摩周湖外輪山のダケカンバの衰退現象. 北方林業 63: 33-35.
渡邊陽子・渡辺 誠 (2010) エアロゾルは樹木へ影響するのだろうか?-これまでに分かっていること-. 北方林業 62: 88-91.
渡辺 誠・渡辺陽子・小池孝良 (2010) 第4回国際シンポジウム「植物の成長・競争・ストレス防御のメカニズム」参加報告. 北方林業 62: 316-319.
小池孝良・唐木貴行・間宮春大・渡邊陽子・秋林幸男・小池 晶・瀬崎由理子・岡崎まち子 (2009) 札幌農学校収集の樹木タネ標本を利用したエコキャンパス教育. 北方森林保全技術 27: 35-39.
日向潔美・渡邊陽子・小池孝良 (2009) 樹木の被食防衛物質の局在. 北方林業 61: 4-7.
渡邊陽子・小池孝良・秋林幸男・間宮春大・小池 晶・常田益代 (2008) 北海道大学構内の遺跡出土材を利用した国際教育への貢献ー北大短期留学生コース(HUSTEP)学生用の先史森林文化教育のためのパネル作成ー. 北方森林保全技術 26: 31-46.
唐木貴行・近藤哲也・渡邊陽子・小池孝良 (2008) ニセアカシアの繁殖特性-タネから見た成長特性-. 北方林業 60: 5-8.
小池孝良・江口則和・渡辺 誠・渡邊陽子・北岡 哲・里村多香美・高木健太郎・柴田英昭・日浦 勉・笹 賀一郎・船田良 (2008) RR2002・モジュールFACE研究の展開-札幌実験苗畑の利用-. 北方森林保全技術 26: 47-52.
渡邊陽子 (2006) 第3回国際樹液サミット美深2005に参加して. 北方林業58:57-59.
渡邊陽子・佐野雄三・守屋豊人 (2005) 2000年前の北海道における木材利用~竪穴住居址出土炭化材の分析結果からの一考察~. 北方林業57: 241-244.
渡邊陽子 (2005) マレーシア・ランビル国立公園での調査. 北方林業57: 123-126.
「The Best Poster」Watanabe Y & Ohno Y. The Effect of Insect Defoliation on the Secondary Cell Wall Formation of Tracheids in Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrier). 9th PRWAC, Bali, Indonesia.2017年9月
「第2 回日本文化財科学会奨励論文賞」守屋豊人,渡邊陽子,佐野雄三:石狩低地帯における続縄文時代前半竪穴住居跡での木材利用 − 札幌市H37 遺跡丘珠空港内第1 号竪穴住居跡出土炭化材分析を中心として −.考古学と自然科学 55: 61-75 (2007). 2009 年7 月12 日