研 究 業 績 (佐野)
1. Shibui H., Sano Y.: Structure and formation of phellem of Betula maximowicziana. IAWA Journal (in press)
2. Zheng P., Ito T., Aoki D., Sato S., Yoshida M., Sano Y., Matsushita Y., Fukushima K., Yoshida K.: Determination of
inorganic element distribution in freeze-fixed stem of Al2(SO4)3-treated Hydrangea macrophylla by TOF-SIMS and
ICP-AES. Holzforschung, 71, 471–480 (2017).
3. Nakaba S., Yamane K., Fukahori M., Nugroho W. D. Yamaguchi M., Kuroda K., Sano Y., Lenggoro I. W., Izuta T.,
Funada R.: Effect of epicuticular wax crystals on the localization of artificially deposited sub-micron carbon-based
aerosols on needles of Cryptomeria japonica. Journal of Plant Research, 129, 873-881 (2016).
4. Watanabe Y., Wakabayashi K., Kitaoka S., Satomura T., Eguchi N., Watanabe M., Nakaba S., Takagi K., SanoY.,
Funada R., Koike T.: Response of tree growth and wood structure of Larix kaempferi, Kalopanax septemlobus and
Betula platyphylla saplings to elevated CO2 concentration for 5 years exposure in a FACE system. Trees - Structure
and Function 30:1569–1579 (2016).
5. Zheng P., Aoki D., Matsushita Y., Yagami S., Sano Y., Yoshida M., Fukushima K.: Lignification of ray parenchyma
cells (RPCs) in the xylem of Phellodendron amurense Rupr.: quantitative and structural investigation by TOFSIMS
and thioacidolysis of laser microdissection cuts of RPCs. Holzforschung 70(7): 641–652 (2016).
6. Takanashi R., Ishihara W., Sawata K., Sano Y., Azuma T., Mori M., Koizumi A., Sasaki Y., Hirai T.: Fractography of
shear failure surface of softwood decayed by brown-rot fungus. Journal of Wood Science, 60, 186-193 (2014).
7. Yamaguchi M., Otani Y., Li P., Nagao H., Lenggoro I. W., Ishida A., Yazaki K., Noguchi K., Nakaba S., Yamane K.,
Kuroda K., Sano Y., Funada R., Izuta T.: Effects of long-term exposure to ammonium sulfate particles on growth
and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica
seedlings. Atmospheric Environment, 97, 493-500 (2014).
8. Saito K., Watanabe Y., Matsushita Y., Imai T., Koike T., Sano Y., Funada R., Fukazawa K., Fukushima K.:
Aluminum localization in the cell walls of the mature xylem of maple tree detected by elemental imaging using
time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS). Holzforschung, 68, 85-92 (2014).
9. Nakaba S., Sano Y., Funada R.: The disappearance of microtubules and starch grains that accompanies morphological changes in nuclei during the death of ray parenchyma cells in the conifer Abies sachalinensis. IAWA
Journal, 34, 135-146 (2013)
10. Sano Y., Utsumi Y., Nakada R.: Homoplastic occurrence of perforated pit membranes and torus-bearing pit
membranes in ancestral angiosperms as observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy. Journal of Wood
Science, 59, 95-103 (2013)
11. Yamane K., Nakaba S., Yamaguchi M, Kuroda K., Sano Y., Lenggoro W. I., Izuta T., Funada R.: Visualization of
artificially deposited submicron-sized aerosol particles on the surfaces of leaves and needles in trees. Asian Journal
of Atmospheric Environment, 6, 275-280 (2012).
12. Yamaguchi M., Otani Y., Takeda K., Lenggoro W., Ishida A., Yazaki K., Noguchi K., Sase H., Murao N, Nakaba S.,
Yamane K., Kuroda K., Sano Y., Funada R., Izuta T.: Effects of long-term exposure to black carbon particles on
growth and gas exchange rates of Fagus crenata, Castanopsis sieboldii, Larix kaempferi and Cryptomeria japonica
seedlings. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, 6, 259-267 (2012).
13. Kitaoka N., Sano Y., Fujikawa S., Nabeta K., Matsuura H.: Biological activity and tissue specific accumulation of
fluorescently labeled methyl jasmonate. Natural Product Communications, 7, 215-218 (2012).
14. Nakaba S., Yamagishi Y., Sano Y., Funada R.: Temporally and spatially controled death of parenchyma cells is
involved in heartwood formation in pith regions of Robinia pseudoacacia L. var. inermis. Journal of Wood Science,
58, 69-76 (2012).
15. Saito K., Watanabe Y., Shirakawa M., Matsushita Y., Imai T., Koike T., Sano Y., Funada R., Fukazawa K.,
Fukushima K.: Direct mapping of morphological distribution of syringyl and guaiacyl lignin in the xylem of maple
by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The Plant Journal, 69, 542-552 (2012).
16. Begum S., Shibagaki M., Furusawa O., Nakaba S., Yamagishi Y., Yoshimoto J., Jin H-O., Sano Y., Funada R.: Cold
stability of microtubules in wood-forming tissues of conifers during seasons of active and dormant cambium. Planta,
235, 165-179 (2012).
17. Sano Y., Morris H., Shimada H., Ronse De Craene , P.P., Jansen S.: Anatomical features associated with water
transport in imperforate tracheary elements of vessel-bearing angiosperms. Annals of Botany, 107, 953-964 (2011).
18. Sato K., Ito S., Fujii T., Suzuki R., Takenouchi S., Nakaba S., Funada R., Sano Y., Kajita S., Kitano H., Katayama
Y.: The carbohydrate-binding module (CBM)-like sequence is crucial for rice CWA1/BC1 function in proper
assembly of secondary cell wall materials. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 5, 1433-1436 (2010).
19. Yazaki K., Sano Y., Fujikawa S., Nakano T., Ishida A.: Response to dehydration and irrigation in invasive and native
saplings: osmotic adjustment versus leaf shedding. Tree Physiology, 30, 597-607 (2010).
20. Sato K., Suzuki R., Nishikubo N., Takenouchi S., Ito S., Nakano Y., Nakaba S., Sano Y., Funada R., Kajita S.,
Kitano H., Katayama Y.: Isolation of a novel cell wall architecture mutant of rice with defective Arabidopsis COBL4
ortholog BC1 required for regulated deposition of secondary cell wall components. Planta, 232, 257-270 (2010).
21. Zhang C., Abe H., Sano Y., Fujiwara T., Fujita M., Takabe K.: Diffusion pathways for heartwood substances in
Acacia mangium. IAWA Journal, 29, 37-48 (2009).
22. Funada R., Miura T., Shimizu Y., Kinase T., Nakaba S., Kubo T., Sano Y.: Gibberellin-induced formation of tension
wood in angiosperm trees. Planta, 227, 1409-1414 (2008).
23. Jansen S., Pletsers A., Sano Y.: The effect of preparation techniques on SEM-imaging of pit membranes. IAWA
Journal, 29, 160-178 (2008).
24. Sano Y., Ohta T., Jansen S.: Variation in the distribution and structure of pits between vessels and non-perforate
tracheary elements in angiosperm woods. IAWA Journal, 29, 1-15 (2008).
25. Sperry J. S., Hacke U., Feild T., Sano Y., Sikkema E.: Hydraulic consequences of vessel evolution in angiosperms.
International Journal of Plant Science, 168, 1127-1139 (2007).
26. Hacke U., Sperry J. S., Feild T., Sano Y., Sikkema E., Pittermann J.: Water transport in vessel-less angiosperms:
Conducting efficiency and cavitation safety. International Journal of Plant Science, 168, 1113-1126 (2007).
27. Jansen S., Sano Y., Choat B., Rabaey D., Lens F., Dute R.R.: Pit membranes in tracheary elements of Rosaseae and related families: new records of tori and pseudo-tori. American Journal of Botany, 94, 503-514 (2007).
28. 守屋豊人,渡邉陽子,佐野雄三:石狩低地帯における続縄文時代前半竪穴住居での木材利用 −札幌市
H37 遺跡丘珠空港内第1 号竪穴住居跡出土炭化材分析を中心として−.考古学と自然科学,55,61-75
29. Nakaba S., Sano Y., Kubo T., Funada R.: The positional distribution of cell death of ray parenchyma in a conifer,
Abies sachalinensis. Plant Cell Report, 25, 1143-1148 (2006).
30. Sano Y., Jansen S.: Perforated pit membranes in imperforate tracheary elements of some angiosperms. Annals of
Botany, 97, 1045-1053 (2006).
31. Uraki Y., Nemoto J., Sano Y.: A novel preparation of microcast for wood micromorphology using
polydimethylsiloxane without digesting cell wall. Journal of Wood Science, 52, 163-166 (2006).
32. Watanabe Y., Sano Y., Asada T., Funada R.: Histochemical study of the chemical composition of vestured pits in two species of Eucalyptus. IAWA Journal, 27, 33-43 (2006).
33. 守屋豊人,佐野雄三,渡邉陽子:続縄文時代前半の竪穴住居における木材選択利用 −札幌市K39 遺跡人
34. Nemoto J., Uraki Y., Kishimoto T., Sano Y., Funada R., Obata N., Yabu H., Tanaka M., Shimomura M.: Production
of mesoscopically patterned cellulose film. Bioresource Technology, 96, 1955-1958 (2005).
35. Sano Y., Okamura Y., Utsumi Y.: Visualizing water-conduction pathways of living trees: selection of dyes and tissue preparation methods. Tree Physiology, 25, 269-275 (2005).
36. Sano Y.: Inter- and intraspecific structural variations among intervascular pit membranes, as revealed by
field-emission scanning electron microscopy. American Journal of Botany, 92: 1077-1084 (2005).
37. Watanabe Y., Kojima Y., Ona T., Asada T., Sano Y., Fukazawa K., Funada R.: Histochemical study on heterogeneity
of lignin in Eucalyptus species II. The distribution of lignins and polyphenols in the walls of various types of cell.
IAWA Journal, 25, 283-295 (2004).
38. Yoneyama E., Ishimoto-Negishi Y., Sano Y., Funada R., Yamada M., Nakamura T.: Morphological changes in
woody stem of Prunus jamasakura under simulated microgravity. Biological Science in Space, 18, 3-6 (2004).
39. Sakamoto Y., Yamada Y., Sano Y., Tamai Y., Funada R.: Pathological anatomy of nectria canker on Fraxinus
mandshurica var. japonica. IAWA Journal, 25, 165-174 (2004).
40. Sano Y.: Intervascular pitting across the annual ring boundary in Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Fraxinus
mandshurica var. japonica. IAWA Journal, 25, 129-140 (2004).
41. Matsuki S., Sano Y., Koike T.: Chemical and physical defence in early and late leaves in three heterophyllous birch
species native to northern Japan. Annals of Botany, 93, 141-147 (2004).
42. Kitin P., Sano Y., Funada R.: Three-dimensional imaging and analysis of differentiating secondary xylem by
confocal microscopy. IAWA Journal, 24, 211-222 (2003).
43. Utsumi Y., Sano Y., Funada R., Ohtani J., Fujikawa S.: Seasonal and perennial changes in the distribution of water in the sapwood of conifers in a subfrigid zone. Plant Physiology, 131, 1826-1833 (2003).
44. Kitin P., Sano Y., Funada R.: Fusiform cells in the cambium of Kalopanax pictus are exclusively mononucleate.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 53, 483-488 (2002).
45. Kitin P., Sano Y., Funada R.: Analysis of cambium and differentiating elements in Kalopanax pictus using resin cast
replicas. IAWA Journal, 22, 15-28 (2001).
46. Yoshida M., Tamai Y., Sano Y., Terazawa M., Okuyama T.: Seasonal change in tangential strain on the inner bark in
white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica). Nagoya Univ. Forest Sci., 19, 21-28 (2000).
47. Kitin P., Funada R., Sano Y., Ohtani J.: Analysis by confocal microscopy of the structure of cambium in Kalopanax
pictus. Annals of Botany, 86, 1109-1117 (2000).
48. Sakamoto Y., Sano Y.: Inhibition of water conductivity caused by watermark disease in Salix sachalinensis. IAWA
Journal, 21, 49-60 (2000).
49. Yoshida M., Yamamoto O., Tamai Y., Sano Y., Terazawa M., Okuyama T.: An investigation of change in tangential
strain on the inner bark of the stem and root of Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Acer mono during sap season.
Journal of Wood Science, 45, 364-367 (1999).
50. Kitin P., Funada R., Sano Y., Beeckman H., Ohtani J.: Variation in the lengths of fusiform cambial cells and vessel
elements in Kalopanax pictus. Annals of Botany, 84, 621-632 (1999).
51. Murakami Y., Funada R., Sano Y., Ohtani J.: The differentiation of contact cells and isolation cells in the xylem ray
parenchyma of Populus maximowiczii. Annals of Botany, 84, 429-435 (1999).
52. Sano Y., Kawakami Y., Ohtani J.: Variation in the structure of intertracheary pit membranes in Abies sachalinensis,
as observed by field-emission scanning electron microscopy. IAWA Journal, 20, 375-388 (1999).
53. Utsumi Y., Sano Y., Funada R., Fujikawa S., Ohtani J.: The progression of cavitation in earlywood vessels of
Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica during freezing and thawing. Plant Physiology, 121, 897-904 (1999).
54. Fujikawa S., Kuroda K., Jitsuyama Y., Sano Y., Ohtani J.: Freezing behavior of xylem ray parenchyma cells in
softwood species with differences in the organization of cell walls. Protoplasma, 206, 31-40 (1999).
55. Sano Y., Nakada R.: Time course of the secondary deposition of incrusting materials on bordered pit membranes in Cryptomeria japonica. IAWA Journal, 19, 285-299 (1998).
56. Utsumi Y., Sano Y., Fujikawa S., Funada R., Ohtani J.: Visualization of cavitated vessels in winter and refilled
vessels in spring in diffuse porous trees by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Plant Physiology, 117, 1463-1471
57. Sano Y., Fukazawa K.: Timing of the occurrence of frost cracks in winter. Trees, 11, 47-53 (1996).
58. Utsumi Y., Sano Y., Ohtani J., Fujikawa S.: Seasonal changes in the distribution of water in the outer growth rings of
Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica: a study by cryo-scanning electron microscopy. IAWA Journal, 17, 113-124
59. Sano Y., Fujikawa S., Fukazawa K.: Detection and features of wetwood in Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata.
Trees, 9, 261-268 (1995).
60. Sano Y., Fukazawa K.: Structural variations and secondary changes in pit membranes in Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica. IAWA Journal, 15, 283-291 (1994).
61. Sano Y., Fukazawa K.: Structural differences of tyloses in Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica and Kalopanax
pictus. IAWA Bulletin new series, 12, 241-249 (1991).
62. Sano Y., Fukazawa K.: Observations of moisture distribution in Fraxinus mandshurica var. japonica Maxim. and
Kalopanax pictus Nakai with soft X-ray photography. Res. Bull. Hokkaido Univ. For., 47, 367-388 (1990).
63. 佐野雄三,今川一志,大谷諄,深沢和三:トドマツ造林木における凍裂発達の観察.北海道大学農学部
演習林研究報告,46, 315-341 (1989).
A 学術書,専門書
1. Sano Y.: Bordered pit structure and cavitation resistance in woody plants. In "Secondary Xylem Biology: Origin,
Functions, and Applications", Ed by Kim Y.S., Funada R., Singh A.P. et al., Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 113-130
2. Utsumi Y., Sano Y.: Freeze stabilization and cryopreparation technique for visualizing the water distribution in
woody tissues by X-ray imaging and cryo-scanning electron microscopy. In: "Electron Microscopy: Methods and
Protocols, 3rd ed.": Ed. by Kuo J., Springer, New York, 677-688 (2014).
3. 佐野雄三,内海泰弘:広葉樹材の組織構造.“木質の形成-バイオマス科学への招待(第2 版)(福島和彦ほか編著)”,海青社,pp. 59-74(2011).
4. 佐野雄三:針葉樹材の組織構造,細胞壁修飾構造.“木質の形成-バイオマス科学への招待(第2 版) (福島和彦ほか編著)”,海青社,pp. 53-58, 93-100(2011).
5. 佐野雄三:壁孔と修飾構造,異常材と欠点.“木質の構造(日本木材学会編)”,文永堂, 98-108, 216-226 (2011).
6. Utsumi Y., Sano Y.: Cryoplaining technique for visualizing the distribution of water in woody tissues by
cryo-scanning electron microscopy. In: "Electron Microscopy: Methods and Protocols, 2nd ed.": ed. by Kuo J., pp.
497-506, Humana Press, Totowa, New Zealand (2007).
7. 伊東隆夫,藤井智之,佐野雄三,安部久,内海泰弘:針葉樹材の識別:IAWA による光学顕微鏡的特徴リスト.海青社(2006)[原著:IAWA Committee: IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood identification.
IAWA Journal, 25, 1-70 (2004)]
8. 佐野雄三:針葉樹材の組織構造,広葉樹材の組織構造,細胞壁修飾構造.“木質の形成-バイオマス科学への招待-(福島和彦ほか編著)”,海青社,pp. 42-60, 68-75 (2003).
B 普及啓発書,辞典など
1. Sano Y.: Anatomical studies of woody plants. In: "Agricultural Sciences for human sustainability.": Ed. by
Hashidoko Y. et al., Kaiseisha Press, p. 125-126 (2012).
2. 伊東隆夫,佐野雄三,安部久,内海泰弘,山口和穂:カラー版日本有用樹木誌.海青社(2011).
3. 佐野雄三:埋蔵文化財から見る先人の知恵.“北海道の森林(北方森林学会編)”,北海道新聞社,149-152
4. 小池孝良,渡邊陽子,佐野雄三:針葉樹林に侵入したハリギリの育成法は?.北の森づくりQ&A(北方林業60 周年記念誌),北方林業会,pp. 160-161(2009).
5. 佐野雄三:埋もれ木の出所を調べる −電子顕微鏡によるアプローチ−.森林の科学,pp. 186-189, 朝倉書店(2005).
1. 山根健一,半智史,山口真弘,山岸祐介,Nugroho W.D.,黒田克史,佐野雄三,Lenggoro I.W.,船田良:エアロゾルの樹木への吸収・吸着機構の解明のための実験的曝露粒子の可視化. エアロゾル研究,29,142-147 (2014).
2. 佐野雄三:へびさがり.北方林業,65,3-5 (2013).
3. 佐野雄三:広葉樹材における管状要素間壁孔の構造と機能.木材学会誌,55,119-128(2009).
4. 矢沢俊悟,小林真,渡邊陽子,佐野雄三,小池孝良:トドマツ主伐後のハリギリ更新稚幼樹の環境変化
に対する応答 -伐採後初年度の事例-.北方林業,61,93-196 (2009).
5. 佐野雄三:札幌市街の凍裂木.北方林業,61,12-14(2009).
6. 佐野雄三:凍裂を防ぐことはできるか?.北の森づくりQ&A(北方林業60 周年記念誌),北方林業会, pp.184-187(2009).
7. 佐野雄三:樹木の凍裂−実態と研究の現状−.山林, 1464 号, 64-71 (2006).
8. 渡辺陽子,佐野雄三,守屋豊人:2000 年前の北海道における木材利用--竪穴住居址出土炭化材の分析からの一考察--.北方林業,57,241-244(2005)
9. 佐野雄三,坂本泰明:病傷害に対する樹木の対応--肥大生長の役割り--.森林科学,No. 45,40〜44(2005).
10. 佐野雄三,内海泰弘:低温走査電子顕微鏡による樹木のキャビテーションの可視化.北の木材科学, 6,http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/wrsh/shibukaishi/2004/2004.htm (2004. 4. 8 公開).
11. 佐野雄三:樹木の凍裂発生要因の研究.北海道大学農学部邦文紀要,19, 565-648 (1996).
1. 佐野雄三,渡邊陽子,渋井宏美,守屋豊人:大島2遺跡の擦文文化竪穴住居跡から出土した木質試料の樹種.東京大学常呂実習施設研究報告,第14 集,80-89, PL17-20 (2016).
2. 渡邊陽子,花里貴志,佐野雄三:樹種識別結果(K39 遺跡薬学部ファーマサイエンス研究棟地点の調査:自然化学分析の結果).北大構内の遺跡,21,58-65 (2015).
3. 松波秀法,佐野雄三,渡邊陽子,守屋豊人:トコロチャシ跡遺跡オホーツク地点8 号・9 号・10 号竪穴より出土した木質試料の樹種.“トコロチャシ跡遺跡 オホーツク地点”:東京大学大学院人文社会系研
究科考古学研究室・常呂実習施設編,298-311, PL56-61 (2012).
4. 佐野雄三,渡邊陽子:C44 遺跡植物園収蔵庫地点の調査:自然化学分析の結果(1)樹種同定.北大構内の遺跡, 18, p. 154, 164-166, 177-178 (2011).
5. 渡邊陽子, 佐野雄三:埋没河川出土木製品の樹種同定.K39 遺跡工学部共用実験研究棟地点発掘調査報告書, 266-267 (2011).
6. 佐野雄三, 渡邊陽子:竪穴住居址内出土炭化材の樹種同定.K39 遺跡工学部共用実験研究棟地点発掘調査報告書, 258-265 (2011).
7. 佐野雄三,渡邊陽子,守屋豊人:能取岬西岸遺跡2 号住居址において出土した炭化材の樹種識別.北方民族博物館研究報告3(「能取岬西岸遺跡」), 38-44 (2010).
8. 佐野雄三,渡邊陽子:薬学部研究棟地点竪穴住居址(HP01)より出土した炭化材の樹種同定.北大構内の遺跡,16,66-69(2009).
9. 佐野雄三,渡邊陽子:南新川独身寮地点竪穴住居址(HP01)より出土した炭化材の樹種同定.北大構内の遺跡,16,24-27(2009).
10. 佐野雄三,守屋豊人:K113 遺跡第3 次調査の遺構より出土した柱材に関する知見.札幌市文化財調査報告書90,70-73, 128-129 (2009).
11. 渡邊陽子,守屋豊人,佐野雄三:桔梗2 遺跡H-2・H-17 の炭化材樹種同定.函館市桔梗2 遺跡(桔梗2遺跡地内開発行為に係る埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書),143-146(2008).
12. 佐野雄三:K39 遺跡弓道場地点竪穴住居址(HP01)より出土した炭化材の樹種同定.北大構内の遺跡,
13. 渡辺陽子,佐野雄三,守屋豊人:炭化材の樹種同定.臼尻C 遺跡,一般国道278 号函館市尾札部道路改良工事用地内埋蔵文化財発掘調査報告書(函館市教育委員会,函館市埋蔵文化財事業団),159-162(2007).
14. 佐野雄三:H519 遺跡出土炭化物の走査電子顕微鏡観察.札幌市文化財調査報告書(第2 分冊),80,105〜106(2007).
15. 佐野雄三,渡辺陽子:竪穴住居址HP1 およびHP11 より出土した炭化材の樹種同定.K39 遺跡人文・社会科学総合教育研究棟地点発掘調査報告書(北海道大学),28〜39(2005).
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1. 「第54 回(2013 年度)日本木材学会賞」佐野雄三:水分動態に関与する細胞壁微細構造の機能解剖学的研究.2014 年2 月1 日
2. 「第2 回日本文化財科学会奨励論文賞」守屋豊人,渡邊陽子,佐野雄三:石狩低地帯における続縄文時代前半竪穴住居跡での木材利用 − 札幌市H37 遺跡丘珠空港内第1 号竪穴住居跡出土炭化材分析を中心として −.考古学と自然科学 55: 61-75 (2007). 2009 年7 月12 日